Welcome to the new decade: The 20s. We hope that all is well and we look forward to the New Year and new opportunities to be of service to our Members.
Last year marked a milestone for our TAP volunteers with the delivery of a computer system to the 10,000th youth we have helped, that system was number 6,674 given since TAP started, many years ago. But TAP never rests and pushed on, always preparing and delivering more systems, ending 2019 with 7,261 systems given, which corresponds to 10,656 youths confirmed to have been assisted through the end of last year.
Last year marked another big number: 628 Members calling for help from FLS and 128 Members coming to the “Meet with FLS” sessions. That is an amazing service the FLS Volunteers provided our Members. and it is truly appreciated.
Last year we had a great Picnic attended by 135 Members sharing good food and friendship in perfect weather at Tugaloo. Another great effort by Kathy Milam, Keith Milam, and all the others they gathered to put it together.
In sum, last year we had a great year thanks to the efforts of our Volunteers, they are the ones who make this the best service organization in the Village.
This year is being formed—what will we be looking back at a year from now? How will you help shape what that is?
Volunteer and help make history.
Thank you all.
Read the entire Newsletter…Here.