If you have questions about your membership in Tellico Village Computer Users Club, contact Linda Rasmussen, TVCUC Membership Chairperson. Use the form provided below.
Membership Information
How to Join or Renew?
Information about past newsletters, monthly bulletins and BOD meeting minutes are in our Archives – FIND OUT MORE
TVCUC members have access to a Pacific Image PowerSlide 3650 Scanner to digitize 35mm slides. Members may also use the club’s Dell Inspiron laptop computer to process their slide images using the installed software. The scanner equipment is available on a first come first served basis generally for two weeks at a time. To reserve the scanner, email your request via the email contact block.
To reserve a specific period, view the scanner calendar to determine availability prior to making your request.
Need assistance? Please email Ben LaPointe at [email protected] or Rich Bowman at [email protected].
Individual training sessions are provided as needed. A one-time fee of $25 is due on the scanner’s first use. Equipment reservation can be extended if the following week is not reserved by the end of the user’s current week.