Free help is available to all CLUB MEMBERS* via the FLS Hotline
For assistance call and leave a message at the Hotline Number:
(865) 408-8223
Or CLICK HERE to send us an FLS Support Request
*Not A Member? FIND OUT MORE
First Level Support (FLS). Our FLS team will continue to assist members using remote control software. But as the pandemic diminishes, some FLS team members are willing to again make house calls, providing both they and the member are comfortable doing so.
For Windows support calls, we primarily use Quick Assist, a remote control solution that is part of the Windows operating system, easy to use, and requires no additional software to be installed. When providing support, one of our FLS support experts will help configure Quick Assist. We can still use TeamViewer, but it is a secondary means of remote control support for Windows, though used extensively for Mac support. You can install TeamViewer here.
First Level Support (FLS) is a team of volunteer members of the Tellico Village Computer Users Club (TVCUC) willing to share their time and knowledge assisting other members with the use and enjoyment of their computers and devices. FLS provides this service to our TVCUC members on a first come, first served basis. FLS sessions are also publicized on the events calendar.
The FLS Team Needs Your Help.
Do you have a good working knowledge of PCs or Macs, Microsoft Office applications or especially Windows 10 or macOS troubleshooting? How about iPhone, iPad or Android? If so, please consider joining the FLS Team. To find out more information, contact the FLS Committee Chairperson Tom Verbeke
First Level Support Committee
Tom Verbeke (Chairperson)
Larry McJunkin
Lou Miller
Terry Morrill
Tom Posey
Ken Van Swearingen
Dave Crowden
FLS Recommended Software:
While types of software are personal preferences, there are some applications and solutions you really need to install on a Windows PC and a Mac. The TVCUC FLS and TAP groups have carefully evaluated several necessary options and we highly recommend them to you. In fact, these are the same applications and solutions we personally use on our own computers.
PLEASE NOTE: To donate equipment please contact our TAP Group at 244 Lakeside Plaza
(in same building as Thai Bistro, around back).
Phone: (865) 332-5313
Find Out More About TAP