The Board of Directors has compiled the results of our member survey and to say we were surprised would be an understatement. You told us what you liked, didn’t like, and what you wanted more of.
As a direct result of your participation in this survey, we are diligently working on changing the Tellico Village Computer Users Club (TVCUC) to be more services-oriented in First Level Support (FLS), the Technology Access Program (TAP) and Education.
We are going forward with a new Board of Directors and with better direction and focus regarding the needs and desires of our members. We have maintained the strong financial position that our grant givers want to see in making sure we are a fiscally responsible organization in which they can invest. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to our grant writers. Without their tireless efforts we would never have been able to provide so many computer systems to the thousands of youths we’ve helped. We plan to continue serving our members and expanding our service within our community.
Only with your support, both financially and most importantly with your time in volunteering, can we continue. We ask for your volunteer support – it is so important to the success of your club. Remember, you don’t have to be technically inclined or be a computer geek to help. We have many volunteer positions available in education and other areas in which we need help.
You may also reach out to us at [email protected]
Please stay safe,
Tellico Village Computer Users Club 2020 Board of Directors
View the member survey results in slide format